Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What I am


So let me start off this post by saying-

I am not the easiest person to live with.  I know this. I'm a down right heifer most of the time but at the same time if I love you I will do everything I can to make sure you are happy and that I can do all I can for you...

Need someone to rub your back cause it hurts?

I'm there.

Need a ride to Wal Mart to buy pringles and spandex?

Hop in!

Need someone to help you hide a dead body?

Let me get my shovel.

At the same time I require some reciprocation.

No I'm not going to ask you to help me hide a dead body.....


Here are some things that I do need:

1. Don't make me feel alone- if I feel like I am going at this all by myself then I will start to worry over everything and obsess and just start to be a person I don't like.  Many people say- hey why don't you just- ya know- NOT worry......and I'm all over here like- oh- hey- yeah why don't you just not BREATHE and see how that goes?

I'm a worrier....I worry...don't like it? Then see above and help prevent ounce prevention is worth a pound of cure...

2.  Relationships are 50/50....I do things for do things for me....we work together for a common goal (usually preset by the relationship i.e. maintaining the home and all the responsibilities therein)......translation? I am not your maid and I am not your Mother.....

Now- clarification- I am not the neatest person and I do leave stuff strewn every now and then, but I also am getting BACK in the habit of trying to make sure everything stays picked up and at least tidy. Do your part.  Help.  It's like anything help make it (the mess, a baby, etc) then you help take care of it (clean it, etc)......

3. Physical Contact- this is a big one...I like to touch and to be touched and having my SO next to relaxes me and helps prevent the whole psycho/worrying me from coming out to play....I'm not saying that you have to be by my side every minute of every hour of every day....but take some time out of your schedule and be with me....JUST a movie while holding me, just hold me, phones, no friends, no distractions....just us.

4. Surprises....Everyone likes surprises and I try to do them as often as I can...whether its making my love's favorite dinner or just taking time out of my schedule to do something unexpected or buying that much wanted gift.....don't be a taker....give a little too....

I am pretty sure there are a few more I can add but this post was spur of the moment and my break is over and I have to delve back into this mound of paper work....

I mainly wrote this post for me- to remind me of what I need in my life...if you happen to find something in this that sparks something in you then by all means take it and hold it tight...otherwise...

have a wonderful day sunshine!

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