5 Recipes to Get Your Daily Dose of Apple Cider Vinegar
Let’s face it, apple cider vinegar just doesn’t taste that great. But the benefits are more than worth the funny faces as you choke it down. For me it often resulted in a lack of taking it. It just plain doesn’t taste that great. So over time I started adding it to different juices and I created these apple cider vinegar recipes that I can even get my kids to drink.
5 Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes
Zingy Cranberry Cocktail
1-2 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar (like this)
2 Tbs. Cranberry Juice (like this)
1 1/2 C. Water
2 tsp. Maple syrup (like this)
Stir together and drink.
Note: I love the addition of cranberry. Cranberries are loaded with antioxidants. They also are beneficial to urinary tract, digestive, and heart health.
Old-fashioned Sweet Blaster
1 1/2 C. water
1-2 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar (like this)
2 tsp. Black strap molasses (like this)
Stir together and drink. I recommend using this drink in the morning.
Note: This recipe not only gives you the awesome benefits of ACV, but you also get the much-needed nutrients like; iron, magnesium, manganese, and calcium, that are in molasses. Molasses is good for your hair, and a safe sweetener for diabetics.
Tomato Cider Slinger
1 1/2 C. Fresh or canned tomato juice
1-2 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar (like this)
1/2 tsp. Sea salt (like this)
A few drops of hot sauce (optional)
Stir together and drink.
Note: In my opinion this is one of the easiest ways to drink apple cider vinegar. So, if you are a lover of tomato juice you may actually really enjoy this drink.
Pink Super Juice
1 1/2 C. Fresh grapefruit juice ( I prefer using pink grapefruit)
1-2 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar (like this)
2 tsp. Raw honey
Stir together and drink. This juice is great for before every meal.
Note: If you are looking to drop a few pounds, this juice may become your best friend. Both the ACV and the grapefruit will help you out. Grapefruit also lowers cholesterol,and helps prevent cancer and arthritis.
The Shot
1 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar (like this)
1 Tbs. water or apple juice
Just take it straight up! Plug your nose and hold your breathe, and don’t forget a chaser.
Do you have any great apple cider vinegar recipes? Please share below!
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